Apply for a Cell-Logic Wholesale Account
Wholesale accounts are available to qualified healthcare professionals.
You may also contact us at 1-855-336-4730 or by emailing Provider Support for assistance.
Once we receive your signed and completed application, we will set up your wholesale account within two business days, and you may begin purchasing product.
Become an approved Integra Nutritionals Clinician
To register for access to the Integra Nutritionals Clinician-Only products, apply online here. Allow approximately 48 hours for approval, after which you will have access to all Integra Nutritionals products and our educational resources.
Registration includes access to the Gut Ecology and Metabolic Modulation Foundations course (G.E.M.M.) which leverages principles of cellular function to encompass the repair of the epithelial cells of the entire gut ecosystem, with beneficial effects on distant physiology. G.E.M.M. Developer, Dr Christine Houghton PhD describes the science and implementation of the program like this. Hear what an accredited clinician says about the way G.E.M.M. has changed the way she practices. As a G.E.M.M. accredited clinician, you are invited to list on our Clinician Referral database by submitting the details of your clinic and your specialties.
Sell through Doctors Supplement Store
Rest easy and take advantage of the best way to sell supplements! Doctors Supplement Store creates a free, personalized online dispensary for qualified health care providers. Patients can order online or call to get the supplements you recommend. We take care of everything and send you a monthly check! We offer Cell-Logic, Integra Nutritionals (for approved clinicians) and hundreds of high-quality supplement brands.
Plus, when signing up from this site, you could qualify for a $100 Quick Start bonus as an incentive to get started quickly! With only $200 in sales in your first month, you’ll get a $100 bonus included with your monthly earnings.
You may also contact us at 1-855-336-4730 or by emailing Provider Support for assistance.
Once we receive your signed and completed application, we will set up your Doctors Supplement Store online dispensary within two business days, and you may begin recommending products to your patients.
Learn More
Cell-Logic-USA is working closely with Dr Christine Houghton, PhD.,BSc.,R.Nutr. She is the Managing Director & Chief Scientific Officer for Cell-Logic Pty Ltd, the Australian company bringing this science to North America. We offer many ways for you to learn more and bring the power of Nutrigenomics to your patients.
Christine conducts informative webinars on a regular basis giving you the opportunity to learn more and ask questions in a personal interactive environment.
For clinicians to quickly familiarize themselves with the nutrigenomic principles that underpin the Cell-Logic and Integra Nutritionals ranges, our Australian Clinician Educators can provide one-on-one online training to clinicians have been approved to obtain the Integra Nutritionals ‘Clinician Only’ range.
Christine Houghton does not offer conference calls personally. Our Clinician Educators are available to clinicians who have signed up to obtain the Integra Nutritionals ‘clinician only’ brand and/or have undertaken the G.E.M.M. Protocol Foundation Course.
There are Advanced Training opportunities in Australia that incorporate testing into the science behind Nutrigenomics.
Please contact Cell-Logic Australia to get more information about any of these educational options.